Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Not Your Ordinary School Supplies

These are Milo's School Supplies for this year:

Not what most kids load their backpacks up with on the first day of school!  Into his backpack went an allergy safe snack in case the class snack is not safe for him, benedryl, g-tube extension, and extra g-tube in case his get pulled out or falls out, and an epi-pen for severe allergic reactions.  Not pictured was the standard pre-school extra set of clothes and a water bottle (which I forgot the first day of school).  At least we could leave the Pull-ups and wipes out of the backpack this year!   Ahh, the joys of a special needs kiddo :0)

Tuesday was Milo's first day of preschool this year.  He has the same teacher as last year (yeah!) but most of his therapists will be new to him this year (bummer).  Milo was so excited about going to school yesterday, he asked every 10 minutes if it was time yet.  He is in the afternoon session so let's just say it was a long morning but finally it was time to pull on that brand new first day of school shirt and put on those brand new, won't be white for long, light-up Toy Story shoes then grab the backpack and head out the door.

Come on MOM!  It's time to GO!!

OK, I'll stop long enough for you to get a picture, but can we GO now?
 We got to school and he started to fall apart a bit.  In the parking lot a little girl from his class year greeted him and he cried.  He wasn't sure about all these new kids on the playground and it was so hot you couldn't touch the play equipment.  His teacher opened the door and he didn't want to go in, he knows the routine but was stubborn.  The classroom was filled with noisy kids and camera happy parents, not an environment where Milo flourishes best.  When it was time for me to leave he bawled.  I know he stops as soon as I leave so I left him screaming in the arms of his physical therapist.  At pick-up his teacher told me he had a WONDERFUL day although she had to carry him to the door (not unusual, he'd stay longer if he could).  I think the best part of yesterday was when he was telling me about his day at the dinner table :0)  Last year he didn't really have the verbal skills or attention span to carry on a conversation like that.  He played in block area & had to share the toys.  They went to the gym for recess because it was too hot outside (a fact confirmed by the principal in an e-mail) and he played tag with his teacher.

His second day at school was a success, no tears and a great report at the end of the day.  The classroom was pretty chaiotic at drop-off today too but he held it together.  One little girl was crying so hard she threw-up in front of the cubbies (another one of those reminders I'm thankful that Milo can't puke).  The teacher was tending to her and the aide was trying to get ahold of the nurse and gather cleaning supplies.  Another little boy was having a melt-down about his mom leaving too.  I was proud of Milo for not crying without someone to guide him, he did seem a bit "lost" but he did great.  He even walked to the door by himself when I picked him up, ahh he is growing up :0)  On the way home tonight he told me that "house area" was closed today (where the kiddo left her mark) and so was computer.  They played in the gym again :0)

I hope this continues...