Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Preschool Graduate

Today my little boy graduated from Preschool!  He has grown up and learned so much in the last year it is unbelievable.  He LOVES school and I hope that continues for many years to come.  Next year Milo will attend our neighborhood elementary school, we've been talking about his new school.  He went to a developmental preschool that is several miles away so unfortunately none of his friends from preschool will continue with him to his new school.  Even though he is a bit apprehensive he is excited too.

 Milo has had the same preschool teacher for the last 2 years and I can not say enough good things about her.  She is kind yet firm in her expectations, she encourages the kids, she makes learning fun, she brings books alive and encourages the kids to write stories, she truly cares for all the children in her class.  She has set the bar high for future teachers and for Milo.  We will miss seeing her!

Milo & Mrs Ross
The paraprofessional in Milo's class this year was great as well. 
She has helped Milo this year in many ways.  She will be missed as well.

Milo & Mrs Lucero

Good-bye Preschool and watch out comes Milo!