Ok, I want to know who leaked to Milo that today was a holiday? Every holiday Milo gets sick and up until today has been in the hospital. Today did not involve the hospital but the little guy was MISERABLE all day long. My appologies to everyone at Children's Hospital, we planned on coming to visit and show off one cute duckie but it just didn't work out. His stomach was bothering him, probably because I just posted that he was all better. He did perk up long enough to put his costume on and take a few pictures but then we fed him and he didn't feel too hot again. More about the belly stuff later, for now here are our Halloween pictures from carving our Jack-O-Lantern yesterday to costume pictures tonight!
Pumpkin "before" picture

You want me to put my hand where?

Finished Jack-O-Lantern

Our friend brought Milo a Halloween Mr. Potato head because he loves his Mr. Potato Head so much!

What a Cute Duckie...

Indulging Mom for just one more picture
I'm sorry to hear that Milo didn't feel good. Maybe Playhouse Disney told Milo Halloween was coming up?? His pictures looked really cute anyway! Happy Halloween!
Wow Milo, you did a great job carving that pumpkin. You are such an artist! (LOL)
Sorry to hear he was not feeling well. Hope things are on the up for you all.
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