Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Another Milostone
This week Milo got his first normal, run-of-the-mill childhood illness--a double ear infection. The doctor asked if he was allergic to amoxacillin. I told her he had never had the "little" antibiotics before, he always went for the ones reserved to fight big nasty infections that could be life threatening and usually got them in combinations of 3 at the same time. She laughed and said to watch for hives and call if he got them. Well, so far so good. No rash, much lower temperature (although not normal yet) and back to his old self. He felt so bad yesterday he fell asleep on the floor of the exam room at the doctor's office, poor guy.
Monday, April 13, 2009
I'm Dreaming Of A White....EASTER?!?

The Bunny had to hide the eggs in the house this year. Milo was interested for just a few minutes. He had an egg in each hand and was done :0)
We had a great Easter Weekend. Our adventure started on Thursday when we went to Colorado Springs to welcome my Grandparents (Milo's Great-Grandparents) home from Texas where they spend the winters. We met them & my aunt at the airport and went to my aunt's house where we spent the night after a nice dinner with more aunts, uncles, cousins & little cousins too. Milo played with the little girls and had lots of fun. Friday we continued on to Alamosa and arrived there just after lunch. We relaxed in the afternoon and did a bit of shopping. I finally found some jeans to fit my skinny little dude, Wranglers of course, size 1T slim with an adjustable waistband. Finally pants that stay up. Check out how cute they are!Saturday we went to Uncle Chad & Aunt Melissa's house to dye Easter Eggs with Brett, Dylan and Owen. Milo had a blast. He ended up with one yellow hand and one green hand. His skin dyes better than the eggs! Later that afternoon we dyed eggs with Grandma too. This time he prefered to have a blue hand...
Grandma & Milo
Brett & Milo
Monday, April 6, 2009
Piggy Tails
After the animal petting adventure we wandered around and found pony rides. Milo was on his uncle’s shoulders when we walked into the area with the ponies. Again he squealed very loudly pointing at the ponies. Several people turned around to see if he was alright, then smiled with the realized how excited he was. His happy noises and his hurt/mad noises sound a lot alike. This line was even longer but I gave in. After a very long wait it was our turn. I sat Milo on a pony and he tried to get off. A guy came by, strapped him on and shortly the pony began to walk around the circle. The look on Milo’s face was priceless, he was worried and then excited all in the span of about 10 seconds. He had a great time and the experience was a success!
We adventured outside to the corrals so Milo could see some big cows up close and personal. The only animal sound he really makes is a “mmmmmm” sound that is supposed to be a cow. Of course he had his Carhart overalls on and it made for some really cute pictures.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
No Joking, It’s April Fool’s Day
This afternoon we took some treats to the hospital to celebrate this "Milostone". Everyone was amazed that it has already been a year and we all reflected on his time in the hospital and how much he has changed in the past year. We saw one of the physical therapists who visited Milo once in a while and she was amazed that he was unattached so he proceeded to show off and run down the hallway. One of the nurses on the floor was a nursing assistant in the PICU when he first was admitted (2 years ago today) and she reminded me how tiny he was and how medically fragile he was. Poor Susie freely admitted that he terrified. Look at him today and you would never guess :0) In January The Children's Hospital opened up a new Pulmonary Unit on the 9th floor. This is where all of the trach/vent kids go now and most all of Milo's regular nurses moved up to this floor as well. Today one the nurses gave Milo a new t-shirt that features the Pulmonary Unit.

It is so funny how much Milo feels at home in the hospital. I am so glad he doesn't have a fear of doctors or hospitals, lots of complicated kids like him are terrified of all medically related things. The Child Life person came by, she had toys in her hands and he weaseled them out of her. It didn't take much really, just a smile and some cute noises. She had an Elmo toy and a barn, of course the barn won out because it came equipped with a pig. His little delighted noise made every one laugh when he finally got his hands on the pig.
Here are a few of the changes that have occurred over the last year. Then being April 1, 2008 and Now being April 1, 2009.
Then: 16 pounds 12 ounces
Now: 21 pounds 2 ounces
Then: 28 inches
Now: 32.75 inches
Then: Not much hair
Now: Oodles of curls
Then: Crawling
Now: Walking, running, climbing like a monkey
Then: Ventilator dependant 24/7
Now: Breathes all by himself
Then: Oxygen dependant 24/7
Now: Oxygen only while sleeping
Then: Hooked to lots of tubes and cords 24/7
Now: Only at night and only a few
Then: Took us at least 30 minutes to get out the door
Now: Takes less than 3 minutes
Then: Trach tie had to be changed every day or his skin would break down
Now: Can go a week without a change
Then: Horrible eczema
Now: Under control
Then: Communicated with a few noises
Now: Communicates with lots of sign language, noises and a few word approximations
Then: Tolerated his carseat for 10 minutes maximum
Now: Likes to ride in the car and look out the windows
I'm sure there are many more changes that I just can't think of right now :0)
Enjoy the slide show of Milo's First Year On The Outside (it may take awhile to load)