This afternoon we took some treats to the hospital to celebrate this "Milostone". Everyone was amazed that it has already been a year and we all reflected on his time in the hospital and how much he has changed in the past year. We saw one of the physical therapists who visited Milo once in a while and she was amazed that he was unattached so he proceeded to show off and run down the hallway. One of the nurses on the floor was a nursing assistant in the PICU when he first was admitted (2 years ago today) and she reminded me how tiny he was and how medically fragile he was. Poor Susie freely admitted that he terrified. Look at him today and you would never guess :0) In January The Children's Hospital opened up a new Pulmonary Unit on the 9th floor. This is where all of the trach/vent kids go now and most all of Milo's regular nurses moved up to this floor as well. Today one the nurses gave Milo a new t-shirt that features the Pulmonary Unit.

It is so funny how much Milo feels at home in the hospital. I am so glad he doesn't have a fear of doctors or hospitals, lots of complicated kids like him are terrified of all medically related things. The Child Life person came by, she had toys in her hands and he weaseled them out of her. It didn't take much really, just a smile and some cute noises. She had an Elmo toy and a barn, of course the barn won out because it came equipped with a pig. His little delighted noise made every one laugh when he finally got his hands on the pig.
Here are a few of the changes that have occurred over the last year. Then being April 1, 2008 and Now being April 1, 2009.
Then: 16 pounds 12 ounces
Now: 21 pounds 2 ounces
Then: 28 inches
Now: 32.75 inches
Then: Not much hair
Now: Oodles of curls
Then: Crawling
Now: Walking, running, climbing like a monkey
Then: Ventilator dependant 24/7
Now: Breathes all by himself
Then: Oxygen dependant 24/7
Now: Oxygen only while sleeping
Then: Hooked to lots of tubes and cords 24/7
Now: Only at night and only a few
Then: Took us at least 30 minutes to get out the door
Now: Takes less than 3 minutes
Then: Trach tie had to be changed every day or his skin would break down
Now: Can go a week without a change
Then: Horrible eczema
Now: Under control
Then: Communicated with a few noises
Now: Communicates with lots of sign language, noises and a few word approximations
Then: Tolerated his carseat for 10 minutes maximum
Now: Likes to ride in the car and look out the windows
I'm sure there are many more changes that I just can't think of right now :0)
Enjoy the slide show of Milo's First Year On The Outside (it may take awhile to load)
Janay!!! Happy Home-a-versary!! You and Milo will always have a special place in my heart- no one can truly undersrand what we went through- and you are the one person on the planet who does! Thank you for introducing yourself to us in the PICU and year and a half ago- we have been so blessed by you guys ever since. I am looking forward to a fun somewhere full of trips to the zoo, parks, etc. Faith misses her Milo and I do too.
You are one incredible momma Janay, you have stuck with it through thick and thin.
Kuddos on one incrdible year at home, and here's to many, many more!
Much Love,
Jen, Faith & Brian
I'm so sad we missed you. Congrats on the one year!! He is doing so great, thanks to his wonderful Mommy! You'll never guess whose toys Milo was playing with... Noel's, when I looked at the pic I was like those toys look like the ones in Noel's room and then I read how he got them, he's such a cutie!! I'm with Jen this year we need to take our kids everywhere! They need to see more of the world and less of the hospital.
Wow, April 1 has so much meaning for you two. Congrats on one year home! He is doing so well, in large part because of his awesome mama!
I'm with Jen and Tina, let's party all over the place this summer!
Loved the video too!
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