I can't believe how much this kid is learning and absorbing all the sudden. He's like a little sponge right now. Developmentally he's soaring!
Speech Therapy: He learns new signs every day and although he "personalizes" them they are usually pretty close to the "correct" form. This week he has started to sign outside, turtle, movie, eyeglasses and probably a few more I can't think of right now. I think he knows upwards of 45 signs at this point! He babbles in sign language, it is very cute but has to be frustrating when I don't understand what he is trying to tell me. He is answering questions with sign language too. This evening I asked him where he trach cap was and he signed "train" so I found his little train in the living room window sill and sure enough it was hooked on the caboose. It is so nice to communicate with him better. Even more exciting, he is trying to say words and letter sounds. Last weekend he brought me a ziploc bag that had some toys in it and pointed to his mouth and said "open", it was far from perfect but I sure figured out what he meant. His speech therapist always points to her mouth to get him to pay attention to what her lips are doing when she speaks so it was so cute to see him point when he was trying to talk. Now I know when he is trying to say a word rather than just babble because he points to his mouth.
Physical Therapy: He is doing so well that PT has been scaled back to only twice a month. He walks on uneven terrain and keeps his balance, runs, climbs and is jumping a little bit too. His main issue is with the way he sits. He "W" sits, as best I can describe it it would be like sitting on your knees then letting your feet move to either side of your bum and sit on the floor.
Milo (and Owen) demonstrating the w-sit
Looks terribly uncomfortable. He learned to do this early on and it's a hard habit to break. Initially it was easier for him to keep his balance and he was more stable sitting this way. There are two camps regarding w-sitting. One is to try to correct him every time we see it and get him to break the habit, this is what his physical therapists have always done. We saw a physical rehab doctor last year and he said not to worry about he will correct himself in time before any damage is done. It does stretch out the knees and his hamstrings are very tight. Personally I'm taking the middle ground, there is no way I can correct him every time he does this, I would have to hoover over him 24/7 but I do correct him as often as I can and we are working on stretching out those hamstrings so sitting "criss-cross" won't be so uncomfortable for him. He hates stretching, who can blame him. Oh yeah, on the climbing front, Milo has learned how to climb out of his crib. Yesterday he was supposed to be taking a nap and I found him with his knee on the top rail and he was holding onto his oxygen tank for leverage. Yikes! Good thing we have a video monitor to keep tabs on the little monkey. Looks like the toddler bed might be in our near future.
Sensory Issues: He's getting better, a couple of weekends ago he hauled a poor worm around until it expired. Poor worm, he sacrificed his life for Milo therapy. We were all surprised that he would touch a slimy wiggly thing like that. He was so cute, he'd put it on the sidewalk and push it along if it wasn't moving fast enough for him. He also got good at making mud pies although they were pretty runny. He still doesn't like slimy things that stick to his hands though, we're working on it.
Milo's Worm

Making Mud Pies, note the dirt on his face :0)
Feeding: Still not eating anything by mouth :0( He does like to play in my food though and loves to feed me, his stuffed animals and his toys. I'm not too worried about this though, after his trach comes out we'll tackle this. On a very positive note, his g-tube feeds are going much better. Almost all of the retching has disappeared. I asked his GI doctor if we could try Previcid for reflux and it did the trick. I had to play around and find the right time of the day to give it to make sure he didn't retch after any of his feedings. Typically his breakfast gave him the most problems and it turns out giving it to him before bed is what works best for him. I feel bad it took so long to find out what the problem was, we tried Zantac last fall and that didn't work so we figured it wasn't reflux. Previcid just works differently although it does the same thing and looks like it works better for Milo. I just hope it keeps working because the last week has been wonderful.
Respiratory: After only a few days Milo learned to tolerate doing his
nebulizer treatments though a face mask rather than his
trach. The first time I tried it he was confused and kept pushing it down to his
trach and looking at me like I was crazy. The mask is cute, it is a dinosaur face :0) He sits very nicely now and will put the mask to his face by himself, we are working on the elastic band so we don't have to hold it but that's just icing on the cake. Next week we'll tackle the nasal cannula, I don't think that one will go as smoothly though :0)

He has been taking his cap off as usual but yesterday he pulled his
trach out with it. His nurse had just said it was time to change his
trach (he gets a clean one every 2 weeks) and went in the next room to get the supplies when he yanked it out. So with his
trach on the outside of his neck I chased him to his nurse then took him into his room where we typically change his
trach. She attached a
trach tie to the new
trach and I took the old one off. I was weird to see his neck for more than 2 seconds. She slid the new
trach in with no problems although he didn't like it so much. The reassuring thing is that he had no color change, so problem breathing and even crying when he saw the new
trach he did just fine. I think it's time to get the thing out, I'm still a bit nervous but I'm getting better after seeing him without it for a few minutes. By the way, this is not the
recommend way of changing a
trach. Ideally it's only out for 1-2 seconds :0)
1 comment:
it was great seeing you guys at the picnic... Milo is doing so well!!! Glad to see you found the magic formula for the prevacid! YEAH!
Ayden and Milo will have to get together and work on making mud pies! :) We aren't around the 20th, but will be the weekend of the 27th.
take care!
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