Friday, April 1, 2011

April Fools!

April 1st is a very significant day in our lives.  On April 1st 2007 Milo was flown Flight For Life to Children's Hospital in Denver (for the second time) and in a matter of weeks ended up with his trach and ventilator.  I was not impressed with his April Fool's Day antics!
April 1, 2007 at The Children's Hospital

And one year later on April 1st 2008 Milo was finally able to COME HOME after 365 continuous days in the hospital.  pril Fools Day 2008 did start out with a little prank, but it was for his nurse :0)  The night nurse left his old broviac in his crib with him (it had been repaired the day before) for his day nurse to discover in the morning.  It did make her heart skip a beat!

Proudly displaying his "old" brovic parts
By lunch time we had finally left the hospital.  It was a bitter sweet moment, we made some wonderful friends during the past year.  There was a whirlwind of activity at our house that day but Milo did wondful and we were on our way to start the next adventure.

Napping in his very own crib for the first time!

So I am perfectly fine with April Fool's Day being a nice calm day with no big hoopla, good or bad. Knowing my onrey guy it's only a matter of a few years before April Fool's day pranks begin but this time just pranks please, ok Milo?!

March 31, 2011

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