Tuesday, June 7, 2011

It's Summer Time!


The grass is a vibrant shade of green, the colorful flowers pots are sporting new flowers and the flower beds are showing off their beautiful colors and textures.  The air conditioners have resumed there appointed positions in the windows of our house as the rising temperatures have signaled the beginning of summer.  Not to mention that Milo has been out of school for nearly 4 weeks already, that doesn't hardly seem possible.  His last day of preschool was a bit bitter sweet.  He has learned so much this year both academically and socially and it was in no small part to his wonderful teachers.  During the last hour of class the parents were invited for a small celebration and presentation of certificates.  Of course Milo was the only one who wouldn't sit still or participate in the songs but there were no meltdowns so I considered it a success.  He played with his classmates and posed for pictures.  He didn't really understand the whole "summer break" thing and still asks about going back to school "tomorrow, please". 

During the summer I hope to accomplish some goals with Milo:
1.  Potty Training
2.  Following simple rules without meltdowns
3.  Stop throwing everything that is in arm's reach
4.  Walk with me holding hands in stores, parks, mall, etc.
5.  Stay near me in stores without holding hands or being in a cart against his will
6.  Be in the kitchen without playing in the water or constantly having the fridge door open
7.  Eat a wider variety of food (this kid won't eat fruit or veggies)

I am happy to say that #1 is going very well and there is no longer a need for diapers or pull-ups in this house!  I'm not saying that he doesn't have accidents or that he is independent in the bathroom but he is doing incredibly well.  He was finally ready and I found a way to bribe him.  Finally something he cares enough about to work toward a goal.  Unfortunately the "bribes" are a bit more than an M&M each times he uses the potty but bottom line is I'm not changing dirty stinky diapers anymore :0)

#4 & #6 are definitely works in progress and don't always work but the majority of the time he will hold my hand and the baby gate blocking off the kitchen has been removed.

Of course what is summer break without some fun!  My plan is to get him out of the house and do fun activities a couple of times a week.  So far that has mostly involved going to the park but I also hope to take him to the aquarium, the Wildlife Experience, Tiny Town, Swimming Pools and maybe even a movie or two.  Anybody have any other ideas of fun outing with an active 4 year old?