Monday, June 29, 2009

I Spoke Too Soon...

I should have known better. After announcing to the world that Milo's stomach problems seem to have resolved--they are back. He feels horrible, it's been over a week now. Retching, gagging, drooling, laying on the floor. That's not my kiddo, he's normally running, climbing, playing with toys and being a wild kid. We tried 24 hours of Pedialyte which normally "fixes" him but it didn't work. I called his GI doctor but haven't heard back. He had an upper GI study last week to see if he was refluxing and he wasn't but the radiologist did say his stomach was emptying slow, in fact we had to stay an extra 15 minutes to make sure the barium was emptying out of his stomach and it was. I'm suprised the GI doctor hadn't called with results, well kind of. It was good to have the study done while he was feeling bad, I think it might have been a better view of what is going on, maybe. Oh yeah, I learned that his mini g-button is NOT compatable with the Mic-key extensions like the website says. I forgot ours so we tried a Mic-key because it was supposed to be compatable but it wouldn't work so the radiologist rigged a feeding extension, he was so nice to do that :0) We've tried smaller volumes, thicker food, thinner food, giving it faster, giving it slower, nothing seems to be helping. I'm guessing that the GI doc will prescibe Reglan and hopefully that will help although last time we tried it, it didn't work but I'm up for trying anything at this point! Ugh...


Alicia said...

Sorry to hear this Janay. I hope and pray that it is resolved soon. No fun for an active little guy like Milo to be so down during the summer months.

I love all the new pics, especially the one of him holding the flag on Flag Day. He looks so patriotic!

Ayden said...

Oh man Janay... Sorry to hear. I hope you can find something that works. There is a different drug, but I can't remember that it is (but can find out for you - if you want), that also helps the tummy empty other than regalan, if you don't like regalan.
If you got an AMT button - there is a mini button and a mine ONE button - the mini ONE is only compatible. (FYI)